Lymed » News » Lymed supports CP adventurer Olli’s mountain climbing

Lymed supports CP adventurer Olli’s mountain climbing


Olli Salpakoski, an adventurer with CP, is headed towards Turkey’s highest mountain, Mount Ararat (5137m). His climb is fueled by his desire to donate funds to Asia Pacific’s Disabled Women associations. The trip is a joint venture between The Threshold Association, a disability organization with the perspective on human rights, independent living and culture, all to empower disabled people in Finland, and Kapua Association, raising funds to help developing countries by climbing mountains.

Active Olli has previously climbed to the top of Mt. Blanc, canoed in the Lofoten, cycled in Gotland and won a gold medal in the Finnish arm wrestling championships. Olli’s journey is being transformed into a documentary which follows the entire adventure from planning, fund raising and preparation to the actual climbing.


Olli getting used to the feeling brought on by the suit. Walking posture changed immediately and the feeling was very positive.

Lymed and Olli decided to start working together to ensure that Olli has a fair chance to do everything that he has planned. His cerebral palsy (CP) affects both his activity levels and daily functioning capabilities. Together Lymed and Olli started to design supporting garments that would fit his needs. As an end result, Lymed has manufactured a shirt and trousers, which will support his training and the actual climb.

With Lymed supporting garments, we can significantly raise the odds of Olli reaching the top of Mount Ararat. Olli’s trousers are designed with special added supports to fix his body’s asymmetricity and posture. When Olli’s faulty posture and asymmetrical movement trajectories are corrected, it means that Olli’s body will suffer from less stress after performance and will recover better during the climbing. The garments are also meant to alleviate neuropathic pain and edema in his legs. In addition to this, Lymed executed two movement analyses to Olli – before and after the garment.  The movement analysis monitors the change, brought on by the suit, to Olli’s natural movement while the training progresses and give data to whether more support or extra pressure will be needed at some point. Lymed is looking forward to Olli’s reports from his trip and the project!

Follow Olli’s journey from the Facebook group!


Olli’s walking was videoed with HFR camera from all perspectives. The videos were analyzed based on angle and vector statistics, whilst comparing them to reference values. Cinematographer Mika Ailasmäki shoots it all for the documentary.

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